Ask what you want from Celebrities

Young East Asian man posing with a peace sign on a teal backdrop. Wearing a bright red hat, open blue button up shirt with a white tee and jeans.



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Where Fans and Celebrities Meet * Powered by Crypto *

How it works?

Follow a Celebrity

We bring top athletes, artists, actors, singers, and models to Fanfluence, where you can follow the celebrities you love. YOu get to see the latest from the channel. And you can …

Send a Request

Each celebrity offers unique options for a personalized experience, from birthday shoutouts to online Q&A. The crypto fees you pay to request will be held in escrow.

Enjoy the Connection

The celebrity will act upon the received requests as time allows. It could be a video post on social media or setting up a Zoom meeting!

Pay when Confirmed

Once the activity is confirmed by tracking the proof provided by the celebrity, the crypto you paid will be transferred to the celebrity. And if not, you will get back what you paid.

What is your ask?

Q&A Session

Next Concert at your City

Birthday Shoutout

Enlist to Know

Young East Asian man standing on a folding yellow chair, in a whimsical pose. He's looking into the distance and pointing with one arm. Shot on a teal backdrop. Wearing a bright red hat, open blue button up shirt with a white tee and jeans.